About PATHS Program LLC
PATHS Program LLC provides comprehensive research-based, culturally relevant, engaging social emotional learning curriculum and training worldwide.
Our Vision
We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed, and our mission is to unlock that potential through the power of social and emotional learning.
Our Programs
Increased challenges around staff shortages, student and teacher mental health issues, delayed emotional and academic development, and absenteeism all impact educators’ and students’ well-being and success. PATHS® Program LLC offers a complete solution through SEL curricula and training to support students at every age through our two CASEL-aligned and standards-based curricula:
PATHS Program LLC is the publisher and sole source provider of the CASEL SELect and Blueprints Promising research-based PATHS® curriculum used in classrooms around the world. Learn more about PATHS® curriculum.
Emozi® Middle and High School: A hands-on, flexible, and student-centered and teacher-led SEL curriculum created by Anna-Lisa Mackey, M.Ed., to support teens’ critical developmental and 21st Century career needs.