Professional Development for School Leaders
Research shows that school leaders are vital to establishing a positive culture and climate in their schools and districts, retaining teachers and staff, and meeting students' social and emotional needs. We created the Emozi® Middle School Program Administrator Training to help educational leaders implement and support the Emozi® Middle School program in their schools.
This three-hour online and on-demand training provides an overview of the program, strategies, supporting teachers and creating a culture of SEL in schools, planning for SEL, and the steps to implement the program with fidelity.
What's Included
Module 1: Pre-Course Work and Introduction
- Introduction to the Emozi® Middle School program.
Module 2: Social and Emotional Learning Basics
- Overview of the basic concepts of Social Emotional Learning.
Module 3: Introduction to Teaching Emozi® Program
- Learn the different part of the Emozi® Program and how to teach them.
Module 4: Constructionist View of Emotion
- Learn the theory behind the teaching of the Emozi® Program
Module 5: Routines and Strategies
- Discover strategies to create and promote routines within your school or district.
Module 6: Budget and Financial Plan for SEL Success
- Plan for and support SEL on your campus financially.
Module 7: Implementation and Evaluation
- Master how to implement and evaluate SEL instruction on your campus.
Module 8: Wrap Up
Module 9: Additional Resources
- Additional videos and resources to add to the school library.
Additionally it includes one eBook Access Code to The Social Emotional Classroom Book, written by Anna-Lisa Mackey and Melissa Ragan.
Access to online training is dependent on the receipt of all the participants names and email addresses. A customer success manager will reach out to you or your SEL coordinator for a list of participants within 24-48 hours of purchase.